Results for «atmospheric pressure»

Roh's Beauty

1h 38m

With her husband out of the country. Rouh lives in Bolak El Dakror with his mother-in-law. Rouh's neighbors cause her a lot of problems since several of them desire her and want to pressure her into having an affair. As Rouh pushes back against her neighbors' lust, two of them set her up.

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Police Tactics: The Interrogation

51m 29s

How can a policeman know if a suspect is lying or not? What makes a good interrogation? In America, an estimated 25% of confessions are thought to be false. The old ‘good cop, bad cop’ trick’ is one of the oldest and most famous interrogation methods in the book. Despite its Hollywood status, the overbearing demeanour of one investigator combined with the seemingly supportive nature of another is an real-life method used in getting confessions out of suspects.

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